Instant Capacity Manpages

icod_stat (1M) Manpage

System contact e-mail: This field displays the e-mail address for the person who should receive configuration change notification and exception reports. This field is set via the icod_modify-ccommand.

From e-mail:

This field displays the e-mail address that will be


specified as the sender of all iCOD initiated e-mail


correspondence. This field is set via the icod_modify


-fcommand. If not set, e-mail will be sent from the adm


user on the local system.

Asset reporting: This field indicates if the iCOD software is presently configured to send e-mail asset reports to HP.

Exception Status: This field indicates if the complex is presently in an exception state. A complex is in an exception state when the number of active components of a given type (processors, cells, memory) exceeds the number of licensed components of the given type.

Information displayed for the local virtual partition

The following status is displayed when icod_stat is run on a virtual partition:

Assigned processors: This field displays the total number of processors assigned to the local virtual partition.

Active assigned processors: This field displays the number of assigned processors in the local virtual partition that are currently active.

Inactive assigned processors: This field displays the number of assigned processors in the local virtual partition that are currently inactive.

Licensed processors that can be assigned: This field displays the number of licensed unassigned processors in the hard partition that are not currently assigned to any virtual partition and can be instantly assigned.

Processors that can be assigned if licensed: This field displays the number of unlicensed processors that are immediately available for licensing and assignment.

Appendix C