Using Instant Capacity to Manage Processing Capacity
Activating Processors
Activating Processors
Activating Processors in nPartitions
The icod_modify command provides the ability to increase processing capacity instantly by activating licensed processors in nPartitions (hard partitions) of Instant Capacity systems. At any time, any number of inactive (licensed) processors can be activated, in accordance with
The software provides two types of activation:
•Instant (icod_modify command’s default behavior) — the activation occurs immediately
•Deferred (icod_modify command’s
Instant activation of processors occurs when the icod_modify command is used with either the
Deferred activation of processors occurs when the icod_modify command is used with both the
Always use the shutdown command when shutting down or rebooting a partition with Instant Capacity. See the manpage shutdown (1M) for information on the shutdown command.
Deferred activation does change the quantity of activated and inactivated processing capacity, even if the partition reboot has not yet occurred.
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