Special Considerations
Instant Capacity Compatibility with Processor Sets
Instant Capacity Compatibility with Processor Sets
The Instant Capacity versions B.07.x software successfully
There must be at least one processor in the default processor set. The last remaining processor in the default processor set is unavailable for deactivation.
Scope of the Instant Capacity Software Interacting with Psets
The Instant Capacity software does not provide any additional functionality to specifically support adding or removing processors from a specific Pset.
Psets on nPars
In an nPar environment where Psets are present, the Instant Capacity software only activates and deactivates processors in the default Pset.
Processors can be manually migrated to the default Pset for purposes of deactivation, or from the default Pset to other Psets after activation.
Psets on vPars
In a vPar environment, the Instant Capacity software passes the request for a processor activation or deactivation to the vparmodify command.
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