Frequently Asked Questions
Instant Capacity Software
Instant Capacity Software
What software product is required for Instant Capacity on
The HP software bundle for the Instant Capacity versions B.07.x software, on
Can one HP enterprise server be under both a Pay per use (PPU) and Instant Capacity contract at the same time?
No, the Pay per use and Instant Capacity software bundles are mutually exclusive. They can both be installed on the same HP enterprise server, but because the server can only be purchased using either PPU or Instant Capacity (but not both), the server can only be configured for the purchased pricing solution.
How can I get the Instant Capacity B.07.x software bundle?
The Instant Capacity B.07.x software bundle B9073BA is installed at the factory for new systems; however, if you need to install the software it is available from the following:
•HP web site: http://www.hp.com/go/softwaredepot (search for “Instant Capacity”)
•May 2005
•May 2005
•September 2005
•September 2005
See “Installing Instant Capacity Software” on page 44 for details of installing the Instant Capacity B.07.x software bundle B9073BA.
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