%of Cycles lost due to all stalls (lower is better)

%of Cycles lost due to frontend stalls (ICACHE, ITLB, and branch execution)

%of Cycles lost due to instruction TLB stalls

%of Cycles lost due to instruction cache stalls

%of Cycles lost due to instruction access stalls (ICACHE and ITLB)

%of Cycles lost due to branch execution

Total L1 instruction TLB references

L1 instruction TLB miss percentage

L2 instruction TLB misses

Percentage of L2 ITLB misses covered by the HPW

L1 ITLB miss per 1000 instructions retired

L2 ITLB miss per 1000 instructions retired

Number of instruction TLB inserts done by the hardware page walker (HPW).

The number of data memory read references issued into the memory pipeline that are serviced by L1D (only integer loads), RSE loads, L1-hinted loads (L1D returns data if it hits in L1D but does not do a fill), and check loads (ld.c). Non-cacheable reads, VHPT loads, semaphores, floating-point loads, and lfetch instructions are not counted here because L1D does not handle these. The count includes wrong path operations but excludes predicated off operations.

Percentage of cycles lost due to all stalls.

Pecentage of cycles lost due to ICACHE, ITLB and branch execution stalls.

Percentage of cycles lost due to instruction TLB miss stalls.

Perdcentage of cycles lost due to instruction cache miss stalls.

Perdcentage of cycles lost due to instruction cache miss and instruction TLB miss stalls.

Percentage of cycles lost due to branch execution (branch re-steer).

Number of L1 instruction TLB references.

Percentage of L1 instuction TLB accesses that missed. Number of L2 instruction TLB misses.

Percentage of L2 ITLB misses that were serviced by the hardware page walker (HPW).

Number of L1 ITLB misses per 1000 instructions retired.

Number of L2 ITLB misses per 1000 instructions retired.

Metrics for Integrity Servers Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® 9500 Processors Systems


Demand fetch missed in the L1 or first level instruction TLB


(FLITLB) and caused an IPC lookup.


L2 or mid-level instruction TLB (MLITLB) miss.


FLI demand fetch reads.


Number of retired IA-64 instructions. The count includes


predicated on and predicated off instructions and nops,


and excludes hardware-inserted RSE operations.


MLI TLB hardware page-walker aborts.


Number of cycles lost to replays, flushes or stalls, including


partial replay cycles.


Number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.


Number of cycles lost to backend IBD bubbles for any




Number of backend bubbles due to FE bubbles - the


instruction fetch engine has not provided anything to issue.

itlb Measurement Report Description 221

Page 221
Image 221
HP UX IPFilter Software manual L1ITLBINSERTSHPW L1IREADS, Flitlbmiss, Mlitlbmiss, Mlitlbhpwaborts