%Unstalled execution (higher is better)

%Cycles lost due to branch misprediction or interruption flush stalls (lower is better)

%Cycles lost due to issue bubbles (lower is better)

%Cycles lost due to DET replay (lower is better)

%Cycles lost due to EXE replay (lower is better)

%Cycles lost due to WB2 replay (lower is better)

%of Cycles lost due to GR load penalties

%Effective instructions retired

%Raw CPI (lower is better)

%Raw IPC (higher is better)

%Effective CPI (lower is better)

%Effective IPC (higher is better)

%Core cycles due to this thread

be obtained from lower level caches or memory, leading to extra cycles.

This is the number of cycles lost in replay in the DET stage. This is the number of cycles lost in replay in the EXE stage. This is the number of cycles lost in replay in the WB2 stage.

Percentage of unstalled cycles with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The percentage of cycles lost due to flushes in the WB2 stage with respect to the the total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The percentage of cycles lost due to stalls in IBD stage with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The percentage of cycles lost due to replays in DET stage with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The percentage of cycles lost due to replays in EXE stage with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The percentage of cycles lost due to replays in WB2 stage with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

Percentage of cycles lost due to GR load dependency stalls (stalls in IBD, RAW and WAW hazards in EXE and DET replays) with respect to total number of elapsed CPU operating cycles.

The total number of instructions retired without considering the nop's and instructions with predicate disabled.

The cycles per instruction, including nop and predicated off instructions.

The instructions per cycle, including nop and predicated off instructions.

The cycles per effective instruction, excluding nop and predicated off instructions.

The effective instructions per cycle, excluding nop and predicated off instructions.

This indicates the percentage of available processor cycles that the measured process consumed. The other processor cycles were consumed by other process(es) running in the core's other hyperthread or were lost to HyperThreading overhead.

fprof Measurement Metrics

See Table 26 (page 214).

In this table, “program object” refers to any of the following:


Load module


Source statement

Instruction bundle

fprof Measurement Report Description 213