Table 1 Available Measurements in Each Measurement Type (continued)



Precise (HP-UX only)


pmu_trace scgprof traps

NOTE: The cgprof measurement performs both sampled and precise measurements.

The measurements in the sampled category, with the exception of cpu and pmu_trace, show results grouped by function. A report produced by any of these measurements is referred to as a PMU histogram report.

The measurements in the precise category use dynamic instrumentation to perform their measurements.

Overview Measurement

The overview measurement enables collecting fprof, dcache, and cstack data in one single collection run. To run overview on an application enter:

$ caliper overview -o rpt my_app

The overview measurement multiplexes fprof, dcache, and cstackmeasurements at a time interval of 1 second. The default switch interval of 1 second can be changed using the --switch-interval=SECONDSoption. After each switch interval, Caliper will switch from one measurement to the next.

On system-wide runs, Caliper will multiplex fprof and dcache measurements. The following command line will collect system-wide fprof and dcache data for a duration of 300 seconds:

$ caliper overview -w -e 300 -o rpt

The sampling period of fprof, dcache and cstackmeasurements can be controlled using the following new options:

--fprof-sampling-spec evt_period[,variation[,cpu_event]] --dcache-sampling-spec evt_period[,variation[,cpu_event]] --cstack-sampling-spec time_period

The syntax of these options is similar to the --sampling-specoption:

evt_period Specifies how many sampling events should occur between samples.

variation Specifies how much to vary the number of events between samples (can be specified as either an exact count or as a percentage of the sampling rate if followed by %).

cpu_eventt specifies the CPU event to use for sampling.

time_period Is a sampling period in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds (specified as Ns, Nms, orNus, respectively, where N is an integer).

Here is a complete example:

$ caliper overview -o rpt --switch-interval 3


--fprof-sampling-spec 1000000



20000,5%,DATA_EAR_EVENTS \


250ms my_app


In the above example, the overview measurement will run the fprof measurement for 3 seconds, dcachemeasurement for 3 seconds, and cstack measurement for 3 seconds continuously until the program terminates. The fprof measurement will use a sampling interval of 1 million CPU_CYCLES (or CPU_OP_CYCLES on dual-core Itanium 2 and Itanium 9300 quad-core processors). The dcachemeasurement will take one sample for every 20000 DATA_EAR_EVENTs and it will

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HP UX IPFilter Software manual Overview Measurement