data speculation

The execution of a memory load prior to a store which preceded it and which might potentially


alias with it. Data speculation loads are also referred to as advance loads. See “dspec Event


Set” (p. 241).


The directory where output databases are created for each data collection run of HP Caliper,


unless you use the -doption. By default, the databases directory is a directory called


.hp_caliper_databases in your current directory. You can override this by setting the


CALIPER_DATABASES environment variable to point to another location.


A set of performance data collected by a single HP Caliper measurement run. Examples of datasets


are: Run Summary, Memory Usage, Process Tree, Histogram, Call Graph, and so forth. Each HP


Caliper measurement run produces several datasets.


A measurement, provided by the dcache measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports data cache misses as well as other data cache metrics.


The non-preferred name for the dcache measurement. This name was used in releases prior to


Release 3.9.

disassembly listing

A source listing in HP Caliper reports with disassembly code for the top performance bottlenecks.


Disassembly listings show instruction templates and symbolic representations of branch targets.

dtlb measurement

A measurement, provided by the dtlb measurement configuration file, that measures and reports


data translation lookaside buffer (TLB) misses.


The non-preferred name for the dtlb measurement. This name was used in releases prior to


Release 3.9.


A measurement, provided by the ecount measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports total CPU event counts.

event address

The component of the Integrity servers processor that records the instruction and data addresses

register (EAR)

of data cache misses for loads, the instruction and data addresses of data TLB misses, and the


instruction addresses of instruction TLB and cache misses.


See also data event address register (D-EAR), instruction event address register (I-EAR).

event set

A predefined collection of CPU events to be sampled with the cpu measurement. See “Performing


CPU Metrics Analysis ” (p. 153).

execution trace

See branch trace buffer (BTB)/execution trace buffer (ETB).

buffer (ETB)



A measurement, provided by the fcount measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports function counts in a program.


A measurement, provided by the fcover measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports functions used by a program.

fprof measurement

A measurement, provided by the fprof measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports sampled instruction addresses.

front side bus (FSB)

A bus that connects the central processing unit with main memory. Also known as processor bus,


memory bus, or system bus.


The non-preferred name for the fcount measurement. This name was used in releases prior to


Release 3.9.


The non-preferred name for the fcover measurement. This name was used in releases prior to


Release 3.9.

functional unit

A subsystem of a central processing unit.


A measurement that gives you total run metrics of your program. See “Global Measurement”


(p. 27).

gprof fallacy

The possibly misleading results that are produced by gprof-like reports regarding the amount


of time spent in a function. See “gprof Fallacy and Possibly Misleading Results” (p. 133).

hardware page

In the Integrity servers processor family, the part of the processor that performs page lookups

walker (HPW)

from the virtual hash page table (VHPT) and seeks opportunities to insert translations into the


translation lookaside buffers (TLBs). TLB misses are handled by the HPW first. If the HPW fails to


find the required mapping information, the operating system than handles the TLB misses.


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