
A file that HP Caliper uses to perform a particular measurement, such as scgprof or icache.

configuration file

Each measurement has a corresponding measurement configuration file. See “HP Caliper


Measurement Configuration Files” (p. 43).

measurement run

In the HP Caliper GUI, a folder that contains information about the types of data available for a


single measurement run. It can also contain the collection specification used to collect the data


in the folder.


A “no-operation” instruction.

options file

A text file containing a list of HP Caliper command-line options and possibly other command-line


syntax, including a measurement configuration file and program to be measured.


A measurement that enables collecting fprof, dcache, and cstack data in one single collection




A measurement performed on individual processes, compared with a system-wide measurement


performed on all CPUs in the system.


A set of registers used to configure the performance monitors (PMC) and provide data values


from the performance monitors (PMD). In other words, the PMC register maintains control


information about what to monitor and the PMD register holds the actual data that results from


the monitoring. The Integrity servers processor has four 48–bit performance counters (PMC/PMD

monitor data

pairs), and the Integrity servers dual-core Itanium 2 and Itanium 9300 quad-core processor have


12 48–bit performance counters (PMC/PMD pairs).


A unit in the Integrity servers processor family that monitors events on the I/O processor's buses.

monitoring unit

The PMU is used to calculate bandwidth, data throughput, and efficiency. HP Caliper uses data


provided by the PMU for its analysis.

PMU histogram

A report that shows results grouped by function. In HP Caliper, these measurements produce PMU


histogram reports: alat, branch, cgprof, cstack, cycles, dcache, dtlb, fprof, icache,


itlb, scgprof, and traps.


A measurement, provided by the pmu_trace measurement configuration file, that measures and


reports traces of sampled PMU data associated with the application for each kernel thread.


An instrumentation-based measurement that gives you exact information about every execution


path in your program. See “Precise Measurements ” (p. 27).

predicated off

An instruction that entered the instruction pipeline but had its execution aborted before completion.


A predicated off instruction has had its predicate changed to False. A predicated on instruction


has a predicate of True.


A technique used in the Integrity servers processor family whereby possible code branches are


executed in parallel before a branch condition is proved. (This is in contrast to the branch


prediction technique, where a branch is predicted and executed before the condition is proved.)


Instructions are associated with a predicate, which determines whether the instruction will be


executed fully or not. With predication, branches and the costs associated with them can be


eliminated or lessened.


A request to the main memory system to preload the cache with needed data.

processor set

On HP-UX, a set of processors grouped together for exclusive access to applications assigned to


that processor set. Each application is assigned to a processor set and will run only on processors


in the assigned processor set.


In the HP Caliper GUI, a set of one or more folders that can contain two types of information:


collection specifications and measurement runs.

register stack

The part of the Integrity servers processor that moves registers between the register stack and the

engine (RSE)

backing store in memory.

retired instruction

A successfully (though not necessarily fully) executed instruction.

rule file

A file used by the HP Caliper Advisor to analyze an application. A rule file contains one or more


independent rule functions and is read, compiled, and executed by the Advisor.

safe instruction

A technique used in the Integrity servers processor family to support precise exceptions.

recognition (SIR)



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HP UX IPFilter Software manual Measurement Configuration Files p, 271