By default, HP Caliper uses this kernel file for symbol lookup and disassembly:


NOTE: On Linux, a default kernel path is not defined for a sampling level of kernel or all, so reports show only kernel module and function information for samples. To show disassembled instructions for kernel modules, use the –-kernel-pathoption.

To produce an uncompressed kernel image for HP Caliper to work with, do the following:

TMP_FILE=path_to_use_for_kernel_image gunzip -c /boot/efi/.../vmlinuz > $TMP_FILE

caliper ... --kernel-path $TMP_FILE


--kernel-stack TrueFalse

Specifies whether to extend the callstack samples collection into kernel space. By default, both the userspace and kernelspace callstack samples will be collected. This option is used only with the cstack measurement.


--latency-buckets TrueFalse

Specifies whether or not the latency bucket information should appear in dcache measurement reports.

This option is used only with the dcache measurement.

The default value is --latency-buckets True (the information appears).

For more information, see “dcache Measurement Report Description” (page 193).


--measure-on-interrupts onoffonly

Controls whether the performance monitoring unit (PMU) is enabled or disabled while processing interrupts/traps.

This option is used with the measurements that depend on the PMU for their data: alat, branch, cpu, cycles, dcache, dtlb, ecount, fprof, icache, itlb, pmu_trace, and scgprof.

on The PMU is enabled during interrupt processing, and enabled during regular processing.

off The PMU is disabled during interrupt processing, and enabled during regular processing.

only The PMU is enabled only during interrupt processing, and disabled during regular processing.

The default is on for the cpu measurement, no matter which --scopeoption you use.

For all the other measurements, the default is on if you use the --scope system option, and off if you use the --scope process option.

This option is not available on Linux. The behavior on Linux is equivalent to --measure-on-interrupts on.



Controls the collection and reporting of memory usage data.

--kernel-stack 65

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Image 65
HP UX IPFilter Software manual Kernel-stack, Latency-buckets, Measure-on-interrupts, Memory-usage=