-p some option syntax, 99 -roption, 52

-soption, 53

used with caliper info command, 103 -toption, 75

-woption, 54

.caliperinit file, 92 additional report options, 93 example, 92


AAS executables, 20 Adaptive Address Space, 20 Advisor, 77

Aggregating performance data, 116 alat measurement report description, 171 Arguments

command-line, 28

Attaching to a running process, 101, 160 Audience of User Guide, 13


branch measurement report description, 175 Branch targets

in disassembly listings, 111 brpath event set, 232 brpred event set, 233 Build process

using HP Caliper in, 100

Bus request queue (BRQ), 257, 262


c2c event set, 235 Cache line, 219, 223 caliper diff command, 119 caliper info command, 102

Caliper Invalid Measurement Combination error message, 167

caliper merge command, 117 caliper report command, 117 CALIPER_DATABASES environment variable, 104 CALIPER_OPTS environment variable, 104 CALIPER_PMU_DISABLE macro, 163 CALIPER_PMU_ENABLE macro, 163

Call graph profile creating, 29

Call graph profile report description, 180 Call stack profile, producing, 134 cgprof report description, 180 Changed information in User Guide, 13 chatr command, 122, 160 Collecting data for load modules, 95 Command line, 28

to invoke the Advisor, 79

Configuration files see Measurement configuration files Configuring data collection, 94

Configuring HP Caliper, 92 Configuring reports, 105 Constants

setting in .caliperinit file, 93 Control speculation, 239

Controlling granularity of data collection and reports, 97 Counter information, 102

CPU counter information, 102 CPU counters, 94

CPU event names shortening, 94 CPU events, 94

cpu measurement report description, 183 CPU metrics , 153

event set descriptions for, 232 CPU_OP_CYCLES.ALL event, 114 CPU_OP_CYCLES.ALL:all_threads=true event, 114 cpubus event set, 238

Creating a call graph profile, 29 Creating a report, 30 Creating a text report, 30 cspec event set, 239

cstack measurement report description, 186 Cutoffs

metrics used for, 106

cycles measurement report description, 188


Daemon processes measuring, 101

Data collection configuring, 94

Data collection for load modules default settings for, 95

Data speculation, 171, 241 Data Summary

produced for dcache measurement, 199 Database

default location, 115 generating a report from, 116 location

in using the Advisor, 80 saving results to, 115

Databases directory, 115

dcache measurement report description, 193 Default home directory, 43

Detail reports, 111

Diagnostic messages, 167–169

diff command see caliper diff command Differencing performance data, 116 Disabling the PMU, 163 disasm_target_name_limit constant, 93 Disassembly listing

branch targets in, 111 Disassembly listings, 111 Disassembly, adding to report, 25 dispersal event set, 240 Displaying reference information, 102 Documentation about HP Caliper, 31 Documentation resources, 15 dspec event set, 241

dtlb measurement report description, 201

274 Index

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Image 274
HP UX IPFilter Software manual CPU event names shortening, 94 CPU events, Daemon processes measuring