

--[no]fold option, 62

--advice-classes option used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80

--advice-cutoff option

used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80 --advice-detailsoption

used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80 --analysis-focusoption

used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80 --branch-sampling-specoption, 55 --bus-speedoption, 56 --callpath-cutoffoption, 56 --context-linesoption, 57 --cpu-aggregationoption, 57 --cpu-counteroption

used with caliper info command, 102 --cpu-detailsoption, 57 --cpu-metrics-aggregationoption, 57 --cpu-metrics-detailsoption, 57 --cstacksampling-specoption, 45 --csv-fileoption, 57 --data-summaryoption, 58 --databaseoption, 49

--db-save option, 59 --dbrp option, 58

--dcache-data-profile option, 58 --dcachesampling-spec option, 45 --description-details option, 59 --detail-cutoff option, 59 --details option

used with caliper info command, 103 --durationoption, 49 --etb-freeze-delayoption, 60 --etb-walkback-cyclesoption, 61 --event-defaultsoption, 61 --exclude-caliperoption, 62 --exclude-idleoption, 62 --fprofsampling-specoption, 45 --frame-depthoption, 62 --group-byoption, 62

--helpoption, 50

--hotpaths option, 63 --ibrp option, 63 --info option, 64 --inlines option, 64 --join option, 64 --jre option, 64 --kernel-path option, 64 --kernel-stack option, 65

--latency-buckets option, 65

--measure-on-interrupts option, 65 --memory-usage option, 65 --metrics option, 50

--module-default option, 66, 95 --module-exclude option, 66, 95 --module-include option, 66, 95 --module-search-path option, 67 --omr option, 67 --options-file option, 50 --output-file option, 51

used with caliper info command, 103 used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80

--overflow-block option, 68 --per-module-data option, 68 --percent-columns option, 68 --percent-sample option, 68 --prim-cutoff option, 68 --process option, 52 --process-cutoff option, 69 --read-init-file option, 70 --report option

used with caliper info command, 103 --report-detailsoption, 52 --rule-filesoption

used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80 --sampling-specoption, 53 --scopeoption, 70 --searchoption

used with caliper info command, 103 --skip-functionsoption, 72 --sort-byoption, 72 --source-path-mapoption, 73 --stop-functionsoption, 73 --summary-cutoffoption, 73 --system-modeloption, 74 --system-usage=option, 74 --term-displayoption, 75 --threadsoption, 75

--traps option, 75

--user-regions option, 76, 163 --version option, 54

-?option, 50 -coption

used with caliper info command, 102 -doption, 49

used with caliper info command, 103 using to save results to a particular database, 115

-eoption, 49 -foption, 50 -Hoption, 50 -hoption, 50 -moption, 50 -ooption, 51

used with caliper info command, 103 used with HP Caliper Advisor, 80

-poption, 52 examples, 100 syntax, 98


Page 273
Image 273
HP UX IPFilter Software manual Index, Symbols, 273