IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Parameter Description

Models: SC34-4499-03

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The following lists the parameters which may be used with the tcmerge command.




First ®le or directory to merge. A combination of ®lenames and


directory names is not valid.


Second ®le or directory to merge.


Third ®le or directory to merge. (Optional)

[-ti[tles] <titlenames>]

Names of ®les or directories being merged.

[-out <filedirectory>]

The ®le or directory into which the merged differences will be


written. This ¯ag is optional.

[-prime[out] <filedirectory>]

Primes the speci®ed input ®le or directory to the output




The ®lename with the -out ¯ag will be replaced. If not speci®ed,


and the ®lename speci®ed with the -out ¯ag exists, the


-replace ¯ag must be speci®ed.

[-ignoreco[lumns] <list of

List of column ranges to ignore during the compare. Entries

ranges to ignore>]

must use the format <startColumn,endColumn> with no blanks


within an entry. Specify one column <Column> where start and


end would be the same number.

[-ignoreb[lanks] <ltalt>]

Speci®es blanks to ignore. Specify one:l (leading), t (trailing),


lt (leading trailing), or a (all blanks). Specify: l for blanks at the


beginning of a line; t for blanks at the end of a line; lt for


blanks at the beginning and end of the line; a for all blanks on


a line.


Case of the characters is ignored. For example, there is no


difference when an uppercase ²C² and a lowercase ²c² are




Any blank lines are ignored during the compare.


An input ®le or directory is ignored during the compare.




Automatically merge differences between ®les or directories.


When con¯icts found, a GUI is invoked for you to resolve the


con¯ict. Use this with the-outparameter to keep input source


®les unchanged.


Note: Using this parameter is equivalent to using the


TeamConnection automrg command. See the Commands


Reference for additional information.


Hides the TeamConnection logo.

240User's Guide

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IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Parameter Description