The flow presented in the figure applies to all potential user databases available
through the Notes Integrated Database feature.
Initializing the original template and creating a database
Tohelp you with developing Notes applications, a database master template is included
on the IBM VisualAge TeamConnectionEnterprise Server installation CD-ROM. The file,
which serves as a single source for a number of database uses, is placed on the
TeamConnectionserver during installation and will stay there until you move it to a
Notes directory.
Note: Regular Notes databases have the .NSF extension. Notes templates have an
.NTF extension. Youwill use teamc.nsf database to create new integrated notes
databases. Use the database


fhcnotes.ntf to refresh the design of
existing databases.Although teamc.nsf and fhcnotes.ntf can be accessed, you
should never modify these databases directly.
Toactivate this function in Lotus Notes, perform the following steps:
1. Obtain a copy of teamc.nsf file from the server and set it up to meet your local
requirements in the following manner:
a. Copy teamc.nsf from the server to your local workstation into your local notes
data directory (something like


). Use the method of file transfer of
your choice, but be aware that teamc.nsf is sizable (more than 5 Mb).
b. Youmust create a copy of the teamc.nsf file that will act as your target
database. Create a copy of the empty teamc.nsf database on your Notes
workspace as follows:
1) Select the TeamConnectionDatabase (teamc.nsf).
2) Select File->Database->New Copy. This displays the Copy Database
Figure42. Notes Integrated Database Creation and Staging
112 User’s Guide