Examples of the teamcpak gather command
The following are examples of the teamcpak gather command.
teamcpak gather d:\demoapp demoapp.pkf
teamcpak gather a.exe b.exe \help\*.hlp demoapp.pkf
In the first example, an input source directory is specified. In the second example, a list
of files is specified. In both cases, the files are to be copied into target directories as
specified in the demoapp.pkf file.
teamcpak -i -o " -t -m -x" gather myfiles.lst
The file myfiles.lst contains a list of files to be transformed by the Gather tool, and the
name of the package file to be used in the gather. The -o "-t -m -x" parameter
passes three flags to the Gather tool:
v-t specifies that, if the target directories already exist, they be destroyed and
v-m specifies that processing continues even if a source file cannot be found.
v-x specifies that, if the program does not end successfully,the file system is left as
is, with no attempt to restore it.
Writing a package file for the Gather tool
Use the package file to specify the target directories and the rules for copying files for a
gather operation. Youcan also specify user exit programs to run before, during, or after
the gather operation.
Asample package file named gather.pkf is shipped with TeamConnection. You can
customize it for your own gather operations.
Syntax rules for a Gather package file
Follow these syntax rules when you write a package file:
vPackage files are free format. Textis not positional, and many statements can exist
on the same line.
vComments can appear anywhere within the file. Use the characters #| and |# as
delimiters, as shown in the following example:
#| This is a comment |#
vPackage file keywords must be prefixed with a left parenthesis and must have a
corresponding balanced right parenthesis to end the scope of the keyword.
vIf the value for a keyword is a string that contains blanks or parentheses, enclose the
string in double quotes.
The following shows the syntax of a package file for the Gather tool. Keywords must
appear in the order shown. The first letter of an argument is capitalized; you must
supply these values.
208 User’s Guide