vunit_name indicates the default unit type for dynamic data set allocations. VIO is the default.

vlogin_password is required only when the family server authentication level requires a TeamConnection user password.

vlocal_codepage indicates the code set that text data is converted to for the build. The default is IBM-1047.

vremote_codepage indicates the code set for data stored in TeamConnection. The default is IBM-850.


a.TEAMCBLD converts the text ®les between the two codepages using theiconv codepage conversion functions, and therefore can support only those codepages that have the iconv conversion tables installed on the MVS system.

If not speci®ed, TEAMCBLD uses internal tables which correspond to single-byte codepages IBM-1047 and IBM-850.

b.The -k (local_codepage) and the -r (remote_codepage) ¯ags are also used to convert any messages generated in the MVS environment which are sent back to the workstation client.

6.Submit the job.

Starting the MVS/OE build server

Under MVS/OE, the build server program can be started with the following teamcbld command:

teamcbld -e environment -p pool -f family [-l login_password] [-s] [-v] [-n] [-k local_codepage] [-r remote_codepage]


venvironment speci®es the environment that you are building for, such as OS/2 or MVS. The value you specify here can be anything you like, but it must exactly match the environment speci®ed for a builder in order for the builder to use this build agent. This value is case-sensitive. You can also set this value using the TC_BUILDENVIRONMENT environment variable.

vpool is the name of the build pool. You can also set this value using the

TC_BUILDPOOL environment variable. This value is case sensitive, and should match the parameter speci®ed in the Part -build command.

vfamily is the name of the TeamConnection family. If a family is not speci®ed, the value of the TC_FAMILY environment variable is used as the default.

v-ssends log ®le messages to the screen.The build server generates a log ®le called teamcbld.log. Build server log messages can be routed to the screen using the -sparameter. -smust be lowercase. An uppercase -Sturns it off.

v-vincreases the level of messages written to the log. This option is equivalent to the verbose option on TeamConnection teamc commands -vmust be lowercase. An uppercase -Vreduces the level.

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IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Starting the MVS/OE build server