Figures.......................... xi
Trademarks ........................xv
About this book.......................xvii
How this book is organized ...................xvii
Conventions ........................xvii
Tellus what you think .....................xviii

Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection .................. 1

Chapter1. An introduction to TeamConnection............ 3
TeamConnectiondefinitions ................... 4
TeamConnection’sclient/server architecture ............. 4
TeamConnectiondatabase .................. 5
Interfaces ........................ 5
Families......................... 6
Users and host lists..................... 6
Parts.......................... 6
Components ....................... 7
Releases ........................ 8
Work areas ....................... 8
Drivers ......................... 9
Defects and features ....................10
Processes ........................10
Build.......................... 11
Packaging ........................12
Roles people play ......................12

Part 2. Developing a product using TeamConnection ...........15

Chapter2. Getting familiar with the TeamConnection client interfaces ...17
Using the GUI........................17
Starting the GUI ......................18
Stopping the GUI .....................19
Performing tasks with the GUI .................19
Using the Settings notebook ..................20
Online help information....................21
Using the command line interface .................21
Using the TeamConnectionweb client ................22
Chapter3. The basics of using TeamConnection ...........25
Laying the groundwork.....................25
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 iii