For this action These users have authority These users are notified
SizeReject vSizing record owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the sizing record
TestAbstain vTestrecord owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the test record’s release
TestAccept vTestrecord owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the test record’s release
TestAssign vTestrecord owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the test record’s release
New test record owner,subscribers
TestReady vTestrecord owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the test record’s release
TestReject vTestrecord owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the test record’s release
UserCreate Superuser New user
UserDelete Superuser Not applicable
UserModify vOwner of the user object can modify all
characteristics except the superuser privilege
vMust be a superuser to grant the superuser
Not applicable
UserRecreate Superuser Not applicable
UserView Not applicable; this is a base authority that can be
performed by all users in the family
Not applicable
296 User’s Guide