For this action These users have authority These users are notified
DriverExtract vDriver owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Not applicable
DriverFreeze vDriver owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Driver owner,subscribers
DriverModify vDriver owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Driver owner,subscribers
DriverRefresh vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Component owner,subscribers
DriverRestrict vDriver owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Driver owner,subscribers
DriverView vDriver owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
Not applicable
EnvCreate vRelease owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
EnvDelete vRelease owner
vExplicitly defined for the component associated with
the release
284 User’s Guide