BOM file for each application contains an entry (at least the name,
edition/timestamp, and TCPart type) for each class and method in each
Object mapping in TeamConnection
After a ENVY/Manager-TeamConnectionBridge export action, the following parts are
created in TeamConnectionin wa1 for f1 in the component and release specified as
context for the export action:
vFor each application of the configuration map there will be an application part.
vFor each entry in the BOM, a proxy part with a name qualified by the application
name for uniqueness, as described in Table5.
The ENVY/Manager-TeamConnectionBridge must map ENVY components to part
names in TeamConnectionin such a way that the parts can be retrieved in a reusable
form when they are imported from TeamConnectionback into the ENVY environment.
Table5. Name generation mapping for the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge
Class Type Naming Convention Mapped Name Example
EmLibrary <class_name_of_blob_object>.<name_of_blob_object> EmApplication.MyApp,
EmConfigurationMap <config_map_name> MyConfigMap
EmApplication <application_name> MyApp
EmSubapplication <app_name>.<subapp_name> MyApp.MySubapp
EmClass OR
<app_name>.<subapp_name>.<class_name> MyApp.MyClass,
OR EmClassMethod
<app_name>.<class_name>.<method_name> OR
See the VisualAge Generator
Generator’s Guide
for additional information related to
generation part output names in TeamConnection.
Build generation
The VisualAge Generator
Generator’s Guide
provides detailed VisualAge Generator
build generation instructions. The following overview is provided to place these activities
in the context of the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnectionBridge:
1. In VisualAge Generator Developer:
vFor each program, the Options Override (OVR) part that has been exported to
TeamConnectioncreates an initial build tree for VisualAge Generator applications
in TeamConnection.
AppendixF. Enabling and Using the ENVY/Manager-TeamConnection Bridge 263