Passing parameters to a build script

There are three places where parameters can be speci®ed that affect the outcome of a build.

As attributes of a builder

Builder parameters are passed to the build script, after variable substitution is performed. Variables are substituted based upon the following syntax:


To pass parameters to your build script, specify them in the Parameters attribute of the builder. TeamConnection sets these variables before invoking the build script.

Note: If the command teamcbld included the -n¯ag, then the build script will process the tcbldenv.lst, tcbldin.lst, and the tcbldout.lst ®les instead of the variables set by the Parameters attribute.

In UNIX environments, you need to include an escape character before the $ character, for example: \$(TC_INPUT).

You can use the following TeamConnection environment variables:


The user ID of the TeamConnection user who submitted the build.


The TeamConnection family.


The release of the parts that are being built.


The current directory where the build script runs.


A list of the TeamConnection parts that are input to the object being built.


Identi®es each input type.

Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between each object in the

TC_INPUT list and this list of types (TCPart, for example).


A list of the parts that are being built in this build event.


Identi®es each output type. The default is ®le.

Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders 151

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IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Passing parameters to a build script, As attributes of a builder