Note: If you have not already done so, follow the directions and install the
TeamConnectionclient for your workstation. The following directions assume that
you have successfully installed the TeamConnectionclient.
Connecting TeamConnection to an IDE
In order for TeamConnectionto be your source code control provider, both of the
following Registry structure conditions must be in place:
vHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SourceCodeControlProvidercontains the
key name ProviderRegKey. If TeamConnectionis your source code control provider,
the value (Data) for this key name should be SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAge
TeamConnection.The key name may currently point to another provider if you have
another provider installed.
contains the key names for the available (installed) source code providers. The key
name for TeamConnectionis IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server and
the data is SOFTWARE\IBM\VisualAgeTeamConnection when the TeamConnection
client is installed.
Note: There may be other source code control providers currently designated (e.g.,
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe with data SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SourceSafe),
depending on which other SCC providers have been installed.
Removing the TeamConnection Source Code Control DLL
Tochange the default source code control system for Visual Basic, Visual C++, or
PowerBuilder,change the value in the ProviderRegKey to the registry key of another
Toremove TeamConnection, leave the value in the ProviderRegKey blank.
Using TeamConnection as your source code control provider
Once the installation procedure is complete, starting your development environment
automatically links the TeamConnectionSource Code Control DLL.
Before you start
There are several things you must know before you can start using TeamConnectionas
your source code control provider.If you are not sure of this information, contact your
administrator.Your family administrator can help you find the following information:
vFamily,defined by the following attributes:
– Name
AppendixG. Source Code Control User’s Guide 269