IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Users Guide

Models: SC34-4499-03

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restricted authority. The limitation on a user's ability to perform certain actions at a speci®c component. Authority can be restricted by the superuser, the component owner, or a user with AccessRestrict authority. See also authority.

root component. The initial component that is created when a TeamConnection family is con®gured. All components in a TeamConnection family are descendants of the root component. Only the root component has no parent component. See also component, child component, and parent component.


search. To scan one or more data elements of a set in a database to ®nd elements that have certain properties.

serial development. While a user has parts checked out from a work area, no one else on the team can check out the part. The user develops new material without interacting with other developers on the project. TeamConnection provides the opportunity to hold the part until the user is sure that it integrates with the rest of the application. Thus, the lock is not released until the work area as a whole is committed. Contrast with concurrent development. See also work area.

server. A workstation that performs a service for another workstation.

shadow. A collection of parts in a ®lesystem that re¯ects the contents of a TeamConnection workarea, driver, or release.

shared part. A part that is contained in two or more releases.

shell script. A series of commands combined in

a ®le that carry out a function when the ®le is run.

SID. The name of a version of a driver, release, or work area.

sizing record. A status record created for each component-release pair affected by a proposed defect or feature. The sizing record owner must

indicate whether the defect or feature affects the speci®ed component-release pair and the approximate amount of work needed to resolve the defect or implement the feature within the speci®ed component-release pair.

stanza format. Data output generated by the Report command in which each database record is a stanza. Each stanza line consists of a ®eld and its corresponding values.

state. Work areas, drivers, features, and defects move through various states during their life cycles. The state of an object determines the actions that can be performed on it. See also process and subprocess.

subprocess. TeamConnection subprocesses govern the state changes for TeamConnection objects. The design, size, review (DSR) and verify subprocesses are con®gured for component processes. The track, approve, ®x, driver, and test subprocesses are con®gured for release processes. See also process and state.

superuser. This privilege lets a user perform any action available in the TeamConnection family.

system administrator. A user who is responsible for all system-related tasks involving the TeamConnection server, such as installing, maintaining, and backing up the TeamConnection server and the database it uses.


task list. The list of tasks displayed in the Tasks window. The user can customize this list to issue requests for information from the server. Tasks can be added, modi®ed, or deleted from the lists.

TCP/IP. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

TeamConnection client. A workstation that connects to the TeamConnection server by a TCP/IP connection and that is running the TeamConnection client software.

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IBM SC34-4499-03 manual Users Guide