Chapter 12. Working with build scripts and builders
Abuilder is an object that can transform one set of TeamConnection parts into another
by invoking tools such as compilers and linkers. For example, one builder might
transform a COBOL source file into an object file.Another might transform a set of
object files into an executable file. Builders use build scripts to invoke the tools that
actually transform TeamConnectionparts.
Usually a build administrator creates build scripts and builders, but anyone with the
proper authority can do so. For more information about the required authority,see
AppendixI. Authority and notification for TeamConnection actions.
This chapter tells how to create and maintain build scripts and builders. It assumes that
you have read “Chapter10. Basic build concepts” on page 129. The following table
directs you to the tasks to be done:
For more information about this task, Go to this
Creating a builder 147
Writing a build script 150
Testinga build script 154
Updating a builder 155
Putting a builder to work 155
Removing a builder from a part 156

Creating a builder

As with most other TeamConnectionoperations, there are two ways you can create a
builder: using the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line interface.
Tocreate a builder using the GUI:
1. From theActions pull-down menu on the Tasks window, select Builders Create.
2. On the Create Builder window,type the requested information.
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