View part information
Displays an unprimed View Part Information window.
Edit partDisplaysan unprimed Edit Part window.
Show parts
If the project attribute Show filter is not set, issues a query based on the
project attribute’s query mask. If the project attribute Show filter is set,
displays the PartFull Filter window.
Part actions
Extract part
Displays the TeamConnectionExtract Parts window to extract the selected
Checkout part
Displays the TeamConnectionCheck Out Parts window to check out the
selected part to the work area specified in the project options.
Checkin part
Displays the TeamConnectionCheck In Parts window to check in the selected
part to the work area specified in the project options.
Unlock part
Displays the TeamConnectionUnlock Parts window to unlock the selected part.
Lock part
Displays the TeamConnectionLock Parts window to lock the selected part.
Create part
Displays the unprimed TeamConnectionCreate Parts window.
Build part
Displays the TeamConnectionBuild Parts window to start a build of the
selected part.
View part contents
Displays the TeamConnectionView Part Contents window for the selected
View part information
Displays the TeamConnectionView Part Information window for the selected
Edit partDisplaysthe TeamConnection Edit Part window for the selected part.
Import makefile
Imports the information contained in the selected makefile into the
The Import makefile action is restricted to files with the extension .mak. The other
actions in this list apply to files of all types.
AppendixD. Enabling an OS/2 Workframe project for TeamConnection 243