SCOM-100, User guide 45
5.2 Change user configuration
A user with the user administration privilege can use this
command to edit other user privileges.
0502: Command ID
id: User ID (1-20)
c1: User administration privilege (0 for ‘No’
1 for ‘Yes’)
c2: Device configuration privilege (0 for
‘No’ 1 for ‘Yes’)
c3: Alarm SMS recipient (0 for ‘No’ 1 for
5.3 Delete a user
A user with the user administration privilege can use this
command to remove a user from the user list.
0501: Command ID
id: User ID (1-20)
5.4 Defining specific alarm recipients
Special commands are available for defining a subset of
the user list as SMS recipients for each alarm.
5.4.1 Set a DI alarm recipient
1102: Command ID
m: Module number (0 for SCOM-100 main
unit, 1-8 for DI-42 I/O expansion units)