Intel® IXF1104 4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
219 Datasheet
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 009
Revision Date: 27-Oct-2005
Table 148. Address Parity Error Packet Drop Counter ($0x70A)
Bit Name Description Type1Default
Register Description: This register counts the number of packets dropped due to parity error
detection during the address selection cycle. 0x00000000
31:8 Reserved Reserved RO 0x000000
7:0 Address Parity Error
Packet Drop Counter
This is an 8-bit counter that coun ts the number of
packets dropped due to parity error detection
during the address se lection cycle. This ge ts
cleared when read an d saturates at 8’hFF. There
is only one counter for address parity drop as
address will be used onl y in MPHY mode of
operation. The counter gets cl ea r ed onc e t he
register is read.
1.RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No
clear; R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write