16 Datasheet
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 009
Revision Date: 27-Oct-2005
98 Modified Figure 19 “TX_CTL B ehavior” [changed signal names].
98 Modified Figure 20 “RX_CTL Behavior” [changed signal names] .
99 Modified Section 5.5, “MDIO Control and Interf ace” [changed 3.3 us to 3.3 ms in fourth paragrap h,
third sentence].
103 Modified/replaced all text under Section 5.6, “SerDes Interface” on page103 [added Table29
“SerDes Driver TX Power Levels”].
NA Removed old Section AC/DC Coupling.
NA Removed old Secti on System Jitter.
107 Modified Table30 “Intel® IXF1104 MAC-to-SFP Optical Module Interface Connectio ns” [edited
signal names].
107 Modified/replaced te xt and deleted old “Figur e 19. Typical GBIC Module Functional Diagram” unde r
Section 5.7, “Optical M odule Interface”].
108 Modified second sentence under Section . 1, “MO D _D E F_0 :3”.
109 Modified second sentence under Section . 3, “RX_ LOS_0:3”.
109 R emoved third paragraph under Section, “RX_LOS_INT”.
110 Modified first and second paragraphs under Section 5.7 .3, “I²C Module Configuration Int erf ace”.
111 Modified Section, “I2C Write Operation” [edited portio ns of text].
116 Modified Table31 “LED Interface Signal Descriptions” [changed 0.5 MHz to 720 Hz for LED_CLK
under Signal Descriptio n].
119 Modified Table 35 “LED Behavior (Fiber Mode)” [changed links under Description t o “Link LED
Enable ($0x502)”].
NA R emoved old Figure 30 “CPU – External and Interna l Connections”.
123 Modified Table37 “Byte Swapper Behavior” [edited/added new values].
123 Modified second paragraph under Section 5.10, “TAP Int erface (JTAG)”
126 Modified Figure 33 “SPI3 Interface Loopback Path”.
126 Added note under Section 5.11.2, “Line Side Interface Loopback”.
127 Modified Figu re 34 “Line Side Interfac e Loopback Path”.
127 Changed Sect ion 5.12, “Clocks” [from GBIC output clock to I 2C Clock].
129 Changed Sect ion 5.12.6, “I2C Clock” [from GBIC Clock to I2C Clock].
130 Added new S ection 6.0, “Application s”.
132 Modified Table 39 “Absolute Maxim um Ratings” [changed S erDes analog power to AVDD1P 8_2
and AVDD2P5_2; chan ged “PLL1_VDDA and PLL2_VDDA to AVDD1P8_1; changed PLL3_VDDA
to AVDD2P5_1.
133 Modified Table40 “Recommended Operating Conditions” [changed SerDes analog power to
AVDD1P8_2 and AVDD2P5_2; changed “PLL1_VDDA and PLL2_VDDA to AVDD1P8_ 1; changed
134 Modified Table42 “SerDes Transmit Characteristics” [included SerDes power driver level
142 Modified Table49 “GMII 1000BASE-T Transmit Signal Parameters” (changed Min values for t1 and
143 Modified Table 50 “GMII 1000BASE -T Receive Signal Param eters” (changed Min valu es for t1 and
146 Replaced old MDIO Timin g diagram and table with Figure 43 “MDIO Write T iming Diagram”, Figure
44 “MDIO Read Timing Diag ram”, and Table 52 “MDIO Timing Pa rameters”.
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 2 4, 2004
(Sheet 3 of 5)
Page # Description