Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure1.110 Foldersharing if the user does not belong to the same domain.
•Group — a particular group. Use the entry to specify groupname with the domain included
in format group@domain (e.g. Domain must be included in name
specification whenever rights are to be assigned to the group from another domain.
•All users from domain — specify the Domain entry with the particular domain name.
•All users — special type of access rights. The folder can be subscribed (for more informa-
tionon account mapping, seechapter 1.10.5) by all users with accounts in KerioMailServer.
•Anonymous access — special type of access rights. The folder can be subscribed by all
users including those who have no account in Kerio MailServer. This type of access rights
is useful especially for publishing of calendars in the iCalendar format.
Folders with anonymous access can be also accessed by special scripts.
To set user rights, select one of the options from the Permission level pull-down menu:
•Administrator— the user can read the folder as well as share it with other users and remove
items in the group or the group itself. This user is not allowed only to remove access rights
for the user who created the group.
•Editor — the user can edit items in the folder (add and remove items, etc.).
•Reader — the user is allowed only to read the folder’s items. No editing is allowed.
Note: Username is required when access rights to a particular user or group are being set.
The selection of a user or a group from the list is not available for security reasons. It is not
recommended to allow a common user to access the list of all users.
Sharing can be disabled by marking a particular line in the list and clicking Remove.
Once the folder is shared, save changes by clicking on OK.
If sharing is correctly set, the shared folder will be marked as shared (see the Jokes folder in
the image 1.111), so that the user knows which of his/her folders has been shared to other