Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure1.30 E-mailheader
The same function as the To field. However, this item is used in special cases where the
message includes multiple addressee, some of them only being informed of the issue by
the message. The addressees included in this section are not expected to reply to the
The address entered in this field is hidden for the other recipients. Blind copy is useful
especially when a message is to be sent to more email addresses and you want to protect
the privacy of one or more users.
The subject stands for the message’s name. It should provide clear hint on the message
content (helpful for later reference).
Next to the fields for recipients’ addresses, the To,Cc and Bcc buttons are available (see fig-
ure 1.30). These buttons open the search dialog (see figure 1.31) where first and last names
can be used to easily filter out particular email address to which the message would be sent.
The look-up dialog scans only through the addresses included in the account’s contact folders.
Below, you can find detailed description of the look-up feature:
Theaddresses of recipients can beselected from the personal address book or from other
contact folders that the user has connected to. In menu, select folders where the search
will be performed.
Search for:
Enter at least the first letters of the searched contact (first name, last name or a part of
email address) which will be used as a searching criteria string.
Note: The look-up is not case-sensitive.