11.1 Setting Apple iCal in Mac OS X 10.3
It is necessary to switch the dialog for Publish on to Private Server mode:
However, URL for publishing in one of the following forms is required:
To publish a calendar in the root folder (of a particular mailbox), enter URL in the follow-
ing format:
Topublish a calendar in the calendar folder (of your mailbox), enterURL in the following
To publish a calendar to the mailbox of another Kerio MailServer user, enter URL in the
following format:
It is also possible to publish a public calendar. The following URL format must be used:.
Make sure that URL address does not include forbidden characters and symbols. This
involvesspaces between words. Thespecial %20 character must be used instead of spaces.
Here is an example:
Theother forbidden characters and symbols can also be replaced by corresponding equiv-
alents. These equivalents are represented by hexadecimal ASCII codes of the particular
characters preceded by the %symbol (see table 11.1).
Besides forbidden symbols, there are other characters that must be encoded. This in-
cludes any national diacritical characters, “?”, “:”, etc. It is also necessary to replace these
characters in URL by their hexadecimal alternatives.
Note: In Kerio MailServer, standard folders (Inbox, Junk E-mail, Sent Items, Calendar,
Tasks) are saved under their English names. Therefore, use the Calendar name to publish
an iCal calendar to a default folder:
Login, Password
Name and password used for authentication at the server where the calendar will be
published. In this case, specify username and password for the corresponding Kerio
MailServer user account.