account settings 217
ActiveSync 10
Palm Treo 650 198
Palm Treo 680 198
Palm Treo 700p 198
RoadSync 211
settings 167,173,179,187,192
synchronization 165
Windows Mobile 5.0 186
Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU2 186
Windows Mobile 6.0 197
Windows Mobile 2002 166
Windows Mobile 2003 172
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition 172
Apple Address Book 10,360
synchronization 363
Apple iCal 10,341
CalDAV 351
calendar publishing 343,348
settings 341,346
subscription to calendars 341,346
Apple iPhone 165,211
Calendar 213
Contacts 213
Email 212
Apple Mail 10
Exchange account 378
groupware support 378
IMAP account 378
Junk 380
spam 379
attachment 28,31,37
Drag & Drop in Firefox 40
authentication to Kerio WebMail 12
calendar 65
all day 74
event 71
Free/Busy 80
invitations 82
meeting 76
meeting attendees 76
multiple day 75
private 74
recurred 75
contacts 51
cards 53
contacts forwarding 60,244,268
creating an LDAP directory 240
drag & drop 58
move or copy 58
new contact 54
overview 53
private 56
searching in contacts 57
searching via LDAP 240
searching via MAPI 238
used as address books 251
data file
settings 222
Distribution list 245
distribution list 268
email 26
automatic check for email addresses 45