Chapter 11 Apple iCal Support
•scheduling of meetings,
•subscription of a folder delegated by another user,
•providing information regarding availability of Kerio MailServer users.
If you use Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and you have so far used Kerio Sync Connector for syn-
chronization of calendars, it is recommended to disable synchronization of calendars and set
connectionto CalDAV server, becausethis option provides also the option of meeting planning
and delegation of calendars to other users.
Warning: If you have installed and configured Kerio Sync Connector, synchronization of calen-
dars over Kerio Sync Connector is stopped automatically upon setting a CalDAV account. This
does not affect synchronization of contacts.
11.5.1 Settings
The only setting to be done is setting of a CalDAV account in Apple iCal:
1. Run Apple iCal.
2. In the menu, select iCal →Preferences (see figure 11.6) and go to the Accounts tab.
Figure11.6 CalDAVaccount settings — Preferences
3. Click on the +button to create a new account.
4. Use the dialog (see figure 11.7) to define your user name following the pattern
name@domain (e.g. and password. If the account belongs to the
primary domain, login by username without domain is sufficient. You can also define
description of the account.