Chapter 4 Data synchronization with mobile devices
12. Click on the Menu button and select Peak Times to open a dialog where intervals for peak
time can be set.
13. Save the settings by the Done button. You can use the Sync button to test if the settings
are correct. This button can be used for manual synchronization whenever needed.
4.4 Windows Mobile 5.0
In cooperation with Kerio MailServer, Windows Mobile 5.0 provides many additional features:
Windows Mobile 5.0 supports the following folder types:
Wipe — implementation of the ActiveSync protocol allows the Kerio MailServer administra-
tor remote removal of all synchronized folders and user login data from the device.
The following options are not supported by Kerio MailServer:
SMS-based Always Up-To-Date (AUTD)
Setting of ActiveSync on Windows Mobile 5.0 is identical with settings on Windows Mobile 5.0
AKU2. Instructions on ActiveSync setting can be found in sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2.
4.5 Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU2
In cooperation with Kerio MailServer, Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU2 provides many additional
Windows Mobile 5.0 AKU2 supports the following folder types:
DirectPush Technology — this technology allows mobile devices to keep open HTTP(S) con-
nection with the server. Whenever a new item is received or any change is performed in
any folder, changes are synchronized immediately.