10.7 Secure communication of Kerio MailServer with MS Entourage
Figure10.20 Outof Office Assistant
10.7 Securecommunication of Kerio MailServer with MS EntourageThe communication between Kerio MailServer and MS Entourage can be protected by the stan-
dardSSL encryption protocol. Itis possible to secure communication via the WebDAV interface
as well as requests and responses between MS Entourage and the LDAP server built in Kerio
MailServer. Settings differ for each version of MS Entourage. Here you can find description of
both alternatives:
Settings in MS Entourage 2004 and 2008
To set WebDAVS in MS Entourage, follow these steps:
•On the Account Settings tab in Tools →Accounts, enable the DAV service requires secure
connection (SSL) option (see figure 10.21).
Note: Enabling the This DAV service requires a secure connection (SSL) option also changes
the standard port for HTTP service to the HTTPS port. Generally, it is therefore not neces-
sary to change the port by hand.
•If the HTTPS service in Kerio MailServer is running on another port than ste standard port
443, it is necessary to enable the Override default DAV port option and change the port by
Connection to the Free/Busy server built in Kerio MailServer can also be SSL-secured. The
connection between a client and the Free/Busy server is handled via the WebDAV interface.
Therefore, the traffic can be secured by setting of the secure version of the DAV protocol.
To set this, go to the Advanced tab under Tools →Accounts and enable the This DAV service
requires a secure connection (SSL) option.