Chapter 11
Apple iCal SupportDeveloped by Apple Computer,Apple iCal is an application allowing management of calendars
on Mac OS X. The application enables to view events of multiple calendars in a single schedule
and thus quickly identify conflicts in the time schedule.
Calendars may be either stored on the disk or it is possible to subscribe for calendars stored
at the web server. It is also possible to publish calendars on the web server.
Kerio MailServer supports publishing of calendars in user email accounts on the server and
subscription of calendars stored in the mailbox from the Apple iCal. In addition to subscrip-
tion to their own calendars, users can also subscribe to calendars shared by other users.
Warning: In Apple iCal, subscribed calendars are available only in the read-only mode. Pub-
lished calendars are available on the server for reading only (this implies that it is not edit
published calendars when accessed by Kerio WebMail, for example).
Notes: If calendars published as subfolders of the default calendar called Calendar, all events
will also be displayed in the Free/Busy calendar.
Apple iCal is also supported by Kerio Sync Connector for Mac, a special utility allowing direct
synchronization of calendars and their contents with calendars inKerio MailServer (for details,
see chapter 13). This application is recommended especially for Mac OS 10.4 Tiger hosts.
Apple iCal supports CalDAV since Mac OS 10.5 Leopard. Once a CalDAV account is set, it is
possible to synchronize calendars over CalDAV. For details on the CalDAV protocol and Apple
iCal configuration, read section 11.5.
11.1 Setting Apple iCal in Mac OS X 10.3
Subscription to calendars
It is possible to subscribe any calendar stored on the WebDAV server in the iCal format. This
implies that it is possible to subscribe to calendars stored in Kerio MailServer and/or iCal
calendars stored on any other WebDAV server supporting the iCalendar format.
Calendars can be subscribed through the Calendar →Subscribe menu. This option opens
a dialog (see figure 11.1) where URL address can be specified and detailed authentication and
refreshing parameters can be set (the entire calendar is downloaded for each refresh):