6.7 Rules for incoming messages
These folders work the same as the other supported folder types:
•note folders are stored on the server in the folder tree,
•public note folders can be created,
•note folders can be shared with other users and it is also possible to set access rights for
other users.
To learn what note folders are used for as well as how to handle them, refer to MS Outlook
user guides.
6.7 Rules for incoming messagesKerio Outlook Connector (Offline edition) allows setting of rules for incoming email. These
rules sort new email automatically in accordance with our criteria (settings). How does it
work? If rules for incoming mail are not defined, all new email is delivered to the Inbox
folder where we can read it and sort items to folders manually. Rules for incoming email
simplify this complicated procedure. The rules defined for incoming email sort incoming
items automatically by using set criteria. Automatic sorting saves our energy and time. If you
are too busy, you can simply read only the high-priority items, while leaving other email (e.g.
mailing list responses) for later.
Rules for incoming email can be set under Tools →Options, on the Kerio MailServer tab (see
figure 6.16). On this tab, click on Filtering Rules. This opens the Filtering Rules dialog where
new rules can be created or existing ones can be changed (for details, refer to section 6.7.1).
Warning: After installation of the Kerio Outlook Connector, it will not be possible to use the
standard MS Outlook’s dialog for administration of rules for incoming mail and alerts Rules
and alerts (under Tools →Rules and alerts).