Chapter 6 Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition)
The offline mode is helpful especially for users with notebooks who make frequent business
tripsand need their email accounts even when they are not currently connected to the Internet.
Upon switching to online mode, all new messages, events and tasks are synchronized with the
server’s store automatically.
Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) informs of switching between online and offline
modesand about current synchronization progress and status by a special icon in the systray’s
notification area (σ φιγθρ 6.3). The icon informs about the following situations:
Figure6.3 Synchronizationstatus
•Synchronization in progress — arrows are displayed at the icon.
•MS Outlook is running in the offline mode — grey down-arrow is displayed at the icon.
•MS Outlook lost connection to the server — red cross is displayed over the icon.
If the synchronization is not running and MS Outlook is running in the online mode, the icon
is hidden.
6.2.1 Offline mode settings
By default, the online mode is set in MS Outlook. To switch to the offline mode, click on Work
offline in the File menu available on the main toolbar.
If you closeMS Outlook in the offline mode, it will be opened in offline mode next time it is
started. If you want to change this, disable the offline mode manually in the File menu.
6.2.2 Synchronization
Upon startup of MS Outlook, the currently opened folder is primarily synchronized.
Any folder saved in Kerio MailServer can be synchronized in any of these two modes:
•Full synchronization of the folder.
•Synchronization of header and message body in plain text — this option concerns synchro-
nization of smaller data volume. However, it is necessary to decide whether you will not
miss possible attachments in your email. When connected online again, the attachments
are included in corresponding messages anyway.
In default mode, synchronization of Kerio MailServer and the Kerio Outlook Connector works
as follows:
•Inbox — whole messages are synchronized.
•Other email folders — only message headers and body in plain text are synchronized.