Chapter 12 Apple Address Book Support
Ask your network administrator whether your user account is saved in the primary do-
main or not.
Outlook Web Access Server
Synchronization is performed via the WebDAV interface. Therefore, it is necessary to
specify this entry by the full path to the corresponding account in the following form:
Synchronize every hour
If this option is checked, synchronization is performed once an hour.
Figure12.3 Synchronizationsetup
Items included: What to fill in: Example:
User Name username jwayne
Password user password KvB125Vg
Outlook Web Access Server URL following this pattern:
Table12.1 Exampleof the dialog for a primary domain user
The synchronization uses Apple iSync. This application enables synchronization on various
MacOS X systems. Inthis application, synchronization can be started by hand any time (unless
the every hour synchronization mode is set in the Apple Address Book).
Follow these instructions:
1. Set Apple Address Book correctly (see above).
2. Run the Apple iSync application