Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Once created, distribution lists are displayed in the contact folder. If multiple contact folders
are used, the particular distribution list is saved in the folder where it is created. If the list is
for example created in a task folder, the distribution list is automatically saved in the default
private contact folder, in Contacts. to distinguish distribution lists from other items in the
contact list, they are displayed bold.
A new distribution list
To create a new distribution list, follow the instructions provided below:
1. Click on the button which allows creating of new items (see figure 1.58).
2. In the menu, select the New distribution list option.
Figure1.58 Toolbarmenu
3. A dialog is opened where a distribution list can be created (see figure 1.57).
4. Now, specify name of the distribution list. For this purpose, use the Name entry.
5. Now, add email addresses to the list. The Select and Add buttons can be used for this
•The Select button opens a dialog where addresses can be looked up and selected in
contact folders.
The dialog contains the following items:
The menu includes all contact folders in the mailbox (including public and sub-
scribed contacts).
Search for:
Enter a string which will be used as search criteria, i.e. any contacts including the
string will be searched. First letters of first or second name or username (the part
of address preceding the at-sign) can be used as the string. The search string is
not case-sensitive.