Chapter 11 Apple iCal Support
To delegate a calendar, connect to Kerio WebMail and set access rights for the particular user
(see section 1.10.5).
If someone delegates a calendar for you, you will need to subscribe it.
1. Open the account settings (the Accounts tab in iCal →Preferences).
2. Go to the Delegation tab (see figure 11.14).
Figure11.14 Delegationof calendars
3. If the calendar was delegated correctly, the list includes the delegator’s username. Now
simply check the Show field to view the delegated calendar.
Access rights for delegated calendars
Delegated calendars with rights set in Kerio WebMail allow the following access rights levels:
•Read rights — user can view the calendar.
•Writerights — user can view the calendar as well as edit it, theonly action denied is removal
of the calendar.
•Full rights (administration) — user can view, edit and even remove the calendar.