Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Rule description
In the third section of the dialog box, the user can review a summary of the created rule.
Optional values are formatted as links and can be changed repeatedly. The conditions and
actions can be easily removed or added by activation or deactivation.
Name of the rule
Give the created rule a unique name (may be multiple words) that best describes the rule.
Naming the rules “Rule 1”, “Rule 2”, etc. is not very helpful.
1.12.3 Cellular phone notification
When setting up the notification , a format of the message can be specified. In the notification
text, special character sequences can be used which will be replaced by the corresponding
parts of the original message.
Subject of the message
Sender address (From field)
SMTP envelope From address
First 128 characters of the text (message body)
First Ncharacters of a message body (Nis an integer). The part of the message that will
be sent to a cellular phone is determined by the SMS gateway (usually up to one SMS
The notification text can have the following form:
Message from $from$, subject: $subject$. Message body: $text$
1.13 Time zones
The whole globe is divided into 24 parts which are called time zones. The individual time
zones are defined by their shift from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). In most cases, the
time is shifted by one hour, but sometimes this shift can be 30 or 15 minutes.
From the geographical point of view, the time zones are delimited by meridians. One time
zone (and one meridian) was defined as the origin; it is the meridian of Greenwich. This
meridian is also called the “zero” or Greenwich Meridian. The zone of this meridian uses the
universal time (UTC), which is the same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Both abbreviations,
UTC and GMT, are used for defining time zones and have approximately the same meaning.
Kerio WebMail uses the GMT time.