Chapter 2 Kerio WebMail Mini
Figure2.4 Foldersharing
•Administrator — the user can read the folder as well as share it with other users and
remove items in the group or the group itself. This user is not allowed only to remove
access rights for the user who created the group.
•Editor — the user can edit items in the folder (add and remove items, etc.).
•Reader — the user is allowed only to read the folder’s items. No editing is allowed.
Once access rights are set, save settings by clicking on OK.
Sharing can also be disabled by selecting Remove access rights for user or group and checking
user(s) or group(s) for which the access will be disabled. Again, click OK to save the settings.
Figure2.5 Removingaccess rights for a folder
2.2 ToolbarThe Kerio WebMail Mini toolbar is different for individual folder types:
Toolbar in email folders