5.2 Installation
2. The Mail dialog is opened (see figure 5.2) where profiles and user accounts may be admin-
Figure5.2 Creationof a profile
3. Click on Add. A dialog box is opened with a blank entry for specification of the new
profile’s name. Any string is allowed as the name. At figure 5.3, the name entered is
Kerio. Click OK to confirm settings and save the profile.
Figure5.3 New profile
4. The new profile is empty (i.e. no email account is created in it). Therefore, the wizard
where a new account can be created is started automatically once a new profile is created.
Email accounts or an address book can be added or changed in the first dialog of the
wizard. Once you create an account, select — Add a new email account (see figure 5.4).
5. In dialog two, select the Additional server types option (see figure 5.5) and click on Next.