Chapter 11 Apple iCal Support
Figure11.4 Settingdetails
Remove alarms
Alarms will be disabled for the calendar (pop-up reminders). It is recommended to enable
thisoption since the calendar is available for reading only and it is not possibleto close or
manipulate with alarms. Only the calendar’s owner is allowed to manipulate with them.
Remove To Do items
The calendar will not include To Do items.
Calendar publishing
Calendars can be published to the following stores:
•to a personal account in Kerio MailServer,
•toan account of another Kerio MailServer user (username and password are required unless
the user creates a new calendar folder and shares it),
•to any WebDAV server in the Internet.
When published, the calendars will be available at the server for reading only. This implies
that it is not possible to edit, add or remove events.
Calendars can be published through the Calendar →Publish menu. This opens a dialog (see
figure 11.5), where URL address can be specified and other publishing parameters can be set.
It is alsopossible to set that the calendar is re-published upon each change (the entire calendar
is always published, not just changes).
Publish calendar as
By default, the entry includes the name used by this calendar in Apple iCal. The title can
be edited.
Publish on
In the menu, set the a Private Server option.