1.11 Kerio WebMail configuration
TheAbout tab shows the current Kerio MailServer version and the link to website of the author.
Figure1.127 Usersettings — About tab
1.11.2 Out of office
The Out of office rule allows setting of automated responses to incoming messages.
This automatic reply can be enabled when a user cannot reply messages him/herself (e.g.
when the user is ill or on vacation). It is usually helpful when the user is supposed to reply
Automated reply can be set in the Settings Out of office toolbar menu. In the Out of office
dialog, switch to the I am out of office now mode and enter a message which will be sent to
incoming messages. Thus, senders know immediately that the user cannot send them any
answering message at the moment.
Automatic replies are defined by a rule applied to incoming email (the rule is saved in Kerio
MailServer). These rules as well as their definition are focused in chapter 1.12.
The I’m out of office rule consists of the following items:
Condition: The rule will apply to all incoming messages except email sent from mailing
lists. The automatic answer is not sent where answering to another automatic email (this
should prevent users from email loops).
Action: The text entered will be sent to each sender’s address included in an incoming
message only once a seven days.