1.9 Notes
1.9.4 Moving and copying notes
Notes can be moved and copied by several methods, as follows:
The Drag & Drop method
Drag & Drop is a simple method for moving and copying items by using only the mouse:
1. Hover a note with the mouse pointer and click on the left mouse button. Hold the button
and drag the note over the destination folder. Release the mouse button.
Note: To copy the selected note(s), hold the Ctrl key (or Alt on Mac OS X).
2. Hold down the mouse button (and the Ctrl key, when copying) and drag the note to
another folder.
Figure1.93 Movingnotes by the Drag & Drop method
3. A green icon appears when the note is ready to move (see figure 1.93) or a blue plus icon
when ready for copying (see figure 1.94).
Figure1.94 Copyingnotes by the Drag & Drop method