Chapter 11 Apple iCal Support
Name Character Hexadecimal Action
space 20 Sometimes, spaces can be deleted (especially where
multiple spaces are used in a row).
quotes "" 22 Quotes are often used to mark URL addresses in plain
greater than > 3E This character is often used to mark URL addresses in
plain text.
less than < 3C Thischaracter is often used to mark URL addresses in
plain text.
hash # 23 In URL, the character is used as an anchor, linking to
a particular section on a page.
percent % 25 In URL, the character encodes the other characters.
Therefore, it is necessary to use its alternative
left brace { 7B Some systems may convert this character.
right brace } 7D Somesystems may convert this character.
pipe | 7C Some systems may convert this character.
back slash \ 5C Some systems may convert this character.
circumflex ^ 5E Some systems may convert this character.
tilde ~ 7E Some systems may convert this character.
left bracket [ 5B Some systems may convert this character.
right bracket ] 5D Some systems may convert this character.
grave accent ‘ 60 Some systems may convert this character.
Table11.1 Forbiddencharacters
11.2 SettingApple iCal in Mac OS X 10.4Subscription to calendars
It is possible to subscribe any calendar stored on the WebDAV server in the iCal format. This
implies that it is possible to subscribe to calendars stored in Kerio MailServer and/or iCal
calendars stored on any other WebDAV server supporting the iCalendar format.
Calendars can be subscribed through the Calendar →Subscribe menu. This option opens
a dialog (see figure 11.3) where URL address can be specified and detailed authentication and
refreshing parameters can be set (the entire calendar is downloaded for each refresh).
The address must follow this pattern: