Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Response to request for read receipt
Use this option to specify what will happen to a delivered message that requires reading
confirmation. It is recommend to select the Ask me before sending a read receipt op-
tion, because users can decide according to the importance of the message whether the
confirmation should be sent or not.
Spell checker dictionary
Selection of the spellcheck dictionary language. When you use the dictionary for the first
time, the spellcheck may take longer, since the dictionary is loaded into the memory.
Search for contacts in selected folders
Check this option to speed up searching for contacts. The search engine goes through
selected folders only.
Figure1.120 Folderselection
The Spam tab contains several options to get rid of unsolicited email:
Move spam to the Junk E-mail folder
Check this option to move all recognized unsolicited email directly to the Junk Email
This option also enables adding email addresses to the list of trustworthy users (see
Do not treat messages as spam... (Spam whitelist)
The spam filter may mark even solicited message as spam, if it bears some spam charac-
teristics. So called Spam whitelist enables to define senders who will not be considered
as spammers by any means. Their messages will not be marked as spam.