1.6 Contacts
contacts are shared and even the person who shares these contacts cannot see them in the
shared folder.
To mark a contact as private, do the following:
1. Double-click on the contact to show its details.
2. On the General tab, enable the Private option (see figure 1.49).
3. Save changes by clicking Save and Close.
Warning: Private contacts are treated as private only if the client where private contact folders
are viewed supports this feature. In other client applications (like MS Outlook), it is possible to
view and edit contacts without any restrictions by users with appropriate access rights. This
implies that information included in private contacts are not well secured.
1.6.5 Searching in contacts
There are several ways of searching in contact folders based on the type of display. The cards
display enables users to search for contacts using the letters under the toolbar. By clicking
a specific letter, the contacts starting with this character are highlighted.
When contacts are displayed in the form of a list, only the standard ascending and descending
order of messages is possible. Thus, searching for a specific contact is not very efficient,
especially when there are too many contacts in the folder.
Searching for contacts using the Search window is completely different from the above proce-
dure. Use the Search button (the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar) to open the window or
enter a string (a word, part of a word or a character in the message to be searched for) into
the Search for: field in the toolbar.
Use the first option (the magnifying glass button) When opened, the dialog window provides
a list of all contacts saved in the folder. When searching for a particular contact, the following
information is used as the search criteria:
Set folders in which the search will be performed. By default, the folder from which the
dialog was opened is selected.
Search for:
This entry can be used to enter a string which will be searched (the first letters of first
name, second name or username can be used). The search string is not case-sensitive.
Click on Search to run the searching.